From Director’s Desk

Sh. Pardeep Sharma

 I wish to thank you for showing interest in New Era International School.
A sincere attempt has been made within the limited scope of few pages of this website to furnish you with as much information as possible, concerning the academic entity, to enable you to take one of your most crucial decisions, the ‘where’, ‘what’ and ‘how’ of the academic career of your child, the impact of which would be nothing less than the destiny of an unknown future.
As a parent of a student, we assure you of a very enriching and fruitful time that your ward will be spending with us.
The aim of the school is to develop the best that is latent in children and to prepare them for the challenges of the changing world through the encouragement of self discipline, high intellectual achievements and physical fitness.
Although a rigorous academic programme is at the core of everything, we at NEIS, do an equally outstanding co-curricular and extra- curricular agenda for students that endows them with a much needed holistic education to give them a competitive edge over their counterparts elsewhere.
We are having the faculty who not only keep themselves at par with the current developments but also contribute to the expansion of the body of knowledge in their field of expertise. Education is a continuous process by which a generation is prepared for the future by being provided with as many opportunities as possible to develop every aspect of personality.
Every student receives individual and personal attention and the maximum comforts possible. It is our mission to make education a purposeful, meaningful and enjoyable experience.