
It is rightly said that learning by doing is an effective method of Teaching & learning process. To consider this, the latest and high quality lab facilities are provided at N.E.I.S The knowledge of kids would be ineffectual unless they actually observe the process and understand the relationship between action and reaction. For this purpose computer lab offers personal computers for each student. Maths lab also provides an opportunity for students to discover mathematics through doing. At N.E.I.S, we provide latestequipments in computer lab, Maths lab & Science lab.


School is a temple & library is its altar. It’s a welcoming place for study & reading. Library in N.E.I.S, has both printed as well as audio- visual material like CD-ROM and DVDS. A lot of books, picture books, activity books, dictionaries for varied age groups are available. The interior of the library has been designed with a view for making it modern and student friendly.